Recruitment / HR:
01162746404 (Mon - Fri, 8:30 - 5pm)

Testimonials for: Charnwood Oaks

My father lived and was loved at Charnwood Oaks for almost two years, following a lengthy stay in hospital which rendered him disabled and unable to care for himself at home. This was a traumatic time for him. Staff quickly reassured him and made him feel safe, and established a warm, fun and caring rapport. He loved their company and I would say that he was happier there for those two years than he had been for a long time previously. He enjoyed trips out, even though these were difficult to manage, his being wheelchair bound. He loved his food. The family get togethers, such as the Christmas party and the annual bonfire night and garden party were wonderful occasions when families joined in. Nursing staff were vigilant, quick to alert us to any concern and prompt action taken.
Carole J (Daughter of Resident)
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